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Business Insurance

Cyber Insurance


Cyber insurance provides comprehensive cover for data restoration, reinstatement or even re creation if it is lost or corrupted.
The ACT have worked with insurance specialists Butterworth Spengler for over 30 years to provide the ideal insurance solution.


ACT gold members benefit from a 10% discount off their premium


To get a FREE cyber insurance quote use the form below or phone Butterworth Spengler on 0151 494 4400.


Every business that has a dependency on computer systems to transfer or store data is exposed to cyber risks, in todays world this is the vast majority of every business.


A comprehensive cyber insurance protects your business from the effects of: social engineering, ransomware attacks, cyber extortion, data breaches, fines & penalties, business interruption, first party & third party liability.



5 important reasons why your businesses should have reliable protection against cyber crime

Further information

Enquiry Form

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