Advocating for UK cycle retail
Advocacy is an increasingly important activity within the ACT. Small independently owned businesses cannot expect to influence the people who have such a big impact on our businesses and our industries, but by working together our combined voice can be heard and can make a real difference.
The ACT is represented in a number of different organisations, all of whom are working for the interests of speciality retailing. Working within this context also gives us a fascinating insight into some of the big issues affecting small businesses as well as a wealth of useful information, which we can feed back into the ACT community to better inform and educate our members.
Members also benefit from the advocacy and campaigning efforts of ACT's parent company. For more information, see here.
Recent campaigns
- E-Bike Positive Campaign: Alongside key cycling organisations, we launched the E-bike Positive campaign to raise awareness, promote usage and highlight the many benefits of e-bikes across the UK.
- Cycle to Work Reform: We have worked tirelessly towards positive reforms to the Cycle to Work scheme, especially from a retailer perspective

The All Party Parliamentary Group for Cycling and Walking (APPGCW) exists to promote the use of bicycles as a mode of transport and to raise the awareness and status of cycling.
There are a number of APPGCW meetings throughout the year, that the ACT regularly attends to represent the industry.
ACT members will also be invited to attend the meetings to discuss current political issues within the cycling industry. We will notify all ACT members when the opportunity has arisen for you to attend an APPGCW meeting and any interested members will need to register their interest with the ACT.
The Independent Retailers Confederation (IRC) is a well-established organisation, bringing together like-minded trade associations with interests in the small and independent retail sector.
The IRC represents c.100,000 independent retailers throughout the UK, creating a growing retail network, committed to the development and sharing of best practice among associations and their members engaged in the independent retail sector.
The IRC provides a lobbying platform for a variety of trade associations with shared interests, increasing the profile and voice of independent retailing within Government and Parliament.
What the IRC brings the IBD
For over two decades the ACT has worked with the IRC representing the interests of well over 100,000 specialist retailers; over recent months the challenges we have all faced together has underwritten the value of that partnership, even more so as we look towards the future of the high street.
- Unrivalled access to Government on business matters impacting speciality retail
- Extensive and ever increasing engagement opportunities with the public/new customers
- A width of knowledge and experience in delivering business support across multiple sectors, high streets and shopping parades throughout the UK
- Increased buying power and influence with commercial, Government and national agencies
- Information advice and best practice standards for IndieRetail
- The opportunity to rebuild the high street together for the future
- Organises the national Best Small Shops competition which celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit of independent retailers
The IRC has three work streams, sharing intelligence and ideas on their respective work in the fields of political, commercial and skills development. Find out more by visiting
All members of the ACT UK cycles community care kept updated with our involvement in advocacy.
Click here to join the ACT, there is a free membership option available.