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Results: 121-130 of 881

22 Apr 2024

The managing director of Brompton has backed a campaign to introduce stricter e-bike battery regulations in the UK, amid "too many examples of e-bikes, e-scooters and light electric...

15 Apr 2024

The Rediscovery Centre, the National Centre for the Circular Economy in Ireland, today announced its partnership with Cytech, the internationally recognised training and accreditation scheme for...

12 Apr 2024

Just two weeks remain for the UK cycle industry to have its say on the current Government consultation to double the permissible power of e-bikes, and to remove the need for pedalling.

10 Apr 2024

Award-winning cycling business Spokes Bikes has added a new shop in Greenock to existing shop in Bridge of Weir.

9 Apr 2024

Communities across England are to be given access to £101 million of government funding for high-quality walking and cycling routes, improving the quality of local public engagement for...

9 Apr 2024

The founders of a Wirral bike recycling scheme have opened a hub across the River Mersey as part of a campaign to encourage more people into cycling.

8 Apr 2024

 A new video from the London Cycling Campaign (LCC) launched ahead of the mayoral election on May 2 urges followers to “make sure London’s next Mayor knows just how much we all...

8 Apr 2024

A new study has suggested that cities need to take into account the rapid growth and serious potential of electric bikes in moving people.

8 Apr 2024

A new study conducted by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, says a bike’s cost and the income of the buyer play the biggest...

3 Apr 2024

The Association of Cycle Traders is urging cycle retailers to register their opposition to proposed government changes to e-bike regulations before the consultation closes on April...

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ACT urges IBDs to register opposition to proposed government changes to ebike regulations before deadline expires.

Posted on in Business News , Cycles News

The Association of Cycle Traders is urging cycle retailers to register their opposition to proposed government changes to e-bike regulations before the consultation closes on April 25th.

Ebike battery

The proposed changes governing EAPCs (Electrically assisted pedal cycles) could see a doubling in the power of e-bikes to 500W and allowing ebikes to be ridden without the need for the rider to pedal. This, the ACT believes, will be to the detriment of cyclists as well as retailers and need to be strongly opposed.

“The ACT are strongly opposed to the introduction of these measures,” says Jonathan Harrison from the ACT. “If these proposals get the green light, they could have a very serious impact on our industry and so we urge those in the bike industry to register their opposition and respond now!”

The Bicycle Association has collated a series of response templates that are ready for use, and which can be accessed here

Alternatively, cycle retailers can simply email and include the text “I oppose both proposed changes to the EAPC regulations”.

“We remain unconvinced there’s either a clear need or demand for any of these proposed changes,” continues Harrison. “Now is the time for the industry to come together, stand united and say that these proposed changes are unacceptable.”

Current EAPC regulations set out the requirements an EAPC must meet to fall outside the definition of motor vehicle and to be treated as a cycle. Currently, the requirements are that the cycle must be fitted with pedals that can propel it; the maximum continuous rated power of the electric motor must not exceed 250 watts, and that electrical assistance must cut off when the vehicle reaches 15.5mph (25km/h).

However, the government proposes to amend the legal definition of how EAPCs are classified so that the maximum continuous rated power of the electric motor must not exceed 500 watts instead of 250 watts. It also wants to allow ‘twist and go’ EAPCs to have throttle assistance up to 15.5mph (25km/h) without the need for type approval. The government says that e-cycles with increased power and throttle assistance in line with the proposed changes would be classified as EAPCs and would, therefore, be able to use the same infrastructure as pedal cycles, including cycle lanes, tracks and other cycle facilities.

This consultation will run until 11:59pm on 25 April 2024. To participate in the consultation, click here.

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