Activate Cycle Academy welcomes British Cycling to Cytech technical one training course
Posted on in Cycles News
Cytech partner Activate Cycle Academy, the largest of Cytech’s UK training providers, recently welcomed a cohort of British Cycling coaches into its Stafford workshop, which included Team GB’s most decorated Olympian, Sir Jason Kenny.
Over the years, Activate Cycle Academy has regularly trained British Cycling mechanics and even had groups of their team riders attend its courses. This time around, it was the turn of their coaching team. For British Cycling, it’s very important for their coaches to be professionally trained and accredited in cycle maintenance in addition to their normal coaching role.
The group attended a Cytech technical one course as part of their coaching remit. This enables them to deal with minor mechanical issues, arming them with the skills to carry out quick basic repairs when out with their respective racing teams or on training camps - it’s all about keeping the wheels and pedals turning smoothly, so the athletes can focus on their training and development.
Activate Cycle Academy’s Stafford workshop trainer, Mike Whitworth, worked with the cohort to make sure the course content covered all the different types of bikes being used for racing – road, mountain bike, track and adaptive bikes for their para cycling teams -as they make preparations for this Summer’s Olympic Games in Paris.
More information about Cytech and their courses can be found here.